New Weekly Feature: Dialectic

As many know, the DEC was incredibly proud to launch Dialectic, the new scholarly journal for thought leadership, education and practice in visible communication design. We are now busy working on Issue Three, and the call for submissions for Issue Four is open through Thursday, January 25 at 5:00 pm (! Weekly, we will be sharing snippets of material published in past issues. You can purchase Dialectic online via Amazon (the publications are beautifully designed and worth having), and see all the content online via Michigan Publishing. 

From Issue 1:
“It’s time to stir the pot… An introductory letter from Dialectic’s Managing Editor and its Producer”
“Dialectic, this journal, aspires to fulfill the dual role of provocateur and standard bearer. It seeks to occupy a place where the status quo is always in question, and to provide a forum where asking “why?” will be more fundamental and vital than asking “how?” or “what?” It will value the inquisitive and the analytical over the merely descriptive, and will foster a setting within which rigorous examination and interrogation are guided by high standards of analysis and reasoning. Dialectic will be an open access gathering place for those who wish to critically and thoughtfully propose, question, and argue about the ideas, systems and processes central to the nature of design education and practice.”

by: Keith Owens and Michael Gibson

Read More Here
Purchase Here


By aigaeducators
Published January 22, 2018
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