Design Educators Conference at “Pivot” a Success

More than 1,500 designers—including nearly 200 full-time educators—gathered at “Pivot,” the 2011 AIGA Design Conference this fall in Phoenix, to explore current shifts in design. “Pivot” offered more educator programming and had more educators in attendance than any previous AIGA national design conference.

Design Educators Conference at “Pivot,” offered pre-conference educator workshops, roundtables and affinity sessions, which were exceptionally well-attended by both educators and professionals. The conference also offered a considerable number of affinity sessions curated and led by educators.

Design practice and education are at critical inflection points. At “Pivot”, attendees and presenters explored the shifts prompting this change—and educators discussed and learned how to prepare for the complexities of the future and the chaining roles of design professionals.

Here are initial reports on educator roundtable discussions about the expansion of the Cumulus Art + Design organization and the question of need for an AIGA journal dedicated to research. Stayed tuned as more content and videos from the Design Educators Conference at Pivot are posted.

Published November 18, 2011
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