Below are links to the websites of past AIGA DEC Educator Conferences and to educator programming from AIGA National Design Conferences. On many of the sites you will find downloads/links to conference papers as well as audio or video of conference events.
Pivot: AIGA Design Conference
October 13–16, 2011 | Phoenix, Arizona
Educator Programming (more content forthcoming)
Pre-Conforence Workshops:
Teaching Typography and Context, Denise Gonzales Crisp
Designing Flexible Curriculum, Meredith Davis
Tools For Understanding Context and Taming Complexity: A Whole Systems Approach to Design, Hugh Dubberly
Designing Assessments for Teaching and Learning, Stacie Rohrbach
Education-Related Rountable Discussions
response_ability: Ethics and Sustainability in Design Education
May 2010, Toledo, OH
AIGA National Design Conference, Make/Think
October 2009, Memphis, TN
Of interest to educators: Design and the Liberal Arts Education Elizabeth Coleman
Future History 3
March 2009, Chicago, IL
Social Studies: Educating Designers in a Connected World
October 2008, Baltimore, MD
Massaging Media 2: Graphic Design Education in the Age of Dynamic Media
April 2008, Boston, MA
AIGA National Design Conference, NEXT
October 2007, Denver, CO
Educator Programing: How Does Design Research Impact Design Practice? (audio link) Sharon Poggenpohl and Liz Sanders, moderated by Meredith Davis; K-12: Where Design Thinking Begins (audio link) Daarina Abdus-Samad, Meredith Davis and Doreen Nelson; moderated by Steve Hartman; Letting Go of 20th Century Models for Design Education (audio link) Rafael Fajardo, Santiago Piedrafita and Holly Willis, moderated by Barbara Sudick; How Should Design Education Prepare Students for a Future of Change, Bill Buxton and Hugh Dubberly
May/June 2007, Nashville, TN
Schools of Thoughts III: What so graphic about graphic design? Educating in the age of ubiquitous media
March 2007, Pasadena, CA
The Design Frontier: Graphic Design Education in Small Programs and Non-Urban Regions
December 2006, Denver, CO
Revolution: Philadelphia
June 2005, Philadelphia, PA
Schools of Thoughts II: Poised Towards the Future of Design Education
March 2005, Pasadena, CA