2021 Virtual Student Exhibitions

We’re continuing our pandemic tradition of compiling links to virtual end-of-year exhibitions created by graduating students from around the globe. Check out the amazing work from the Class of 2021.

Each of the links listed below was submitted by a DEC community member. If you’d like your students’ work to be added, please fill out this form.

2021 Virtual Student Exhibitions

Arizona State University

BSD Visual Communication Design https://www.asudesignshow.com/
Arkansas State University

BFA in Graphic Design; BFA in Graphic Design, Digital Design Emphasishttp://www.brandedshow.com/
Bowling Green State University

BFA Graphic Designhttp://www.period.bgsugd.com/
California State University, Long Beach

BFA Graphic Designbwtm.show
Colby-Sawyer College

BFA/BA Studio Art + Designhttps://cscseniorshow2021.com/
Iowa State University

BFA in Graphic Designhttp://isugd.com/2021seniorshow/
Kansas State University 

Kapi’olani Community College

A.S. New Media Artshttp://nma.kapiolani.hawaii.edu/2021studentshow/
Kendall College of Art and Design

BFA in Graphic Designkcad2021.org
Merrimack College

BA in Graphic Designhttps://www.merrimack.edu/academics/liberal_arts/visual-and-performing-arts/senior-capstone-projects/
Metropolitan State University of Denver

Communication Designhttps://www.msudenverbfathesis.com
Michigan State University

BFA Graphic Designhttps://www.instagram.com/spartanshowcase2021/
Ohio State University

BSD Visual Communication Designhttp://www.ohiostatedesignexhibits.com/
Old Dominion University 

BFA major in Graphic Design https://gdodu2021.myportfolio.com/
Rutgers University-Newark, Department of Arts, Culture & Media (ACM)

BFA in Graphic Designhttps://acmbfa.design/intertwined/
Sam Fox School of Design and Visual Arts at Washington University in St. Louis

BFA Communication Designhttps://www.cdes2021capstone.show/
Sam Houston State University

Graphic Design BFAhttps://2021.shsugd.com
Stevenson University

Graphic Designweb.stevenson.edu/georgemoore/capstone
SUNY New Paltz

BFA Graphic Design https://www.thesis2021.newpaltz.design/
Texas A&M University-Commerce

BFA in Visual Communication Superlative2021.com
The Design School at Arizona State University 

Master’s of Visual Communication Design (MVCD)https://www.loveandfuturemvcd.com
Trinity Western University

Art + Designhttps://www.twu.ca/students/community/samc-eventstream/gallery-exhibitions
University of Arkansas School of Art

BFA in Graphic Designhttps://formseniorshow.uark.edu
University of Connecticut

Bachelor of Fine Arts https://dmd.uconn.edu/bfashow/
University of North Texas

Communication Designhttps://untdesigngrads.com/
University of Washington

Division of Designwww.uwdesignshow.com
University of Wisconsin–Stout

BFA Graphic Design & Interactive Mediahttp://designedbiases.com/
Washington University in St. Louis

BFA in Communication Designwww.cdes2021capstone.show
Western Kentucky University

Department of Art & Design BFA/BA Exhibition https://www.facgalleries.org/spring-2021-senior-exhibition
Winthrop University

Illustration, graphic design, interior design, and interactive mediaWinthropseniorshow.com
York University – Sheridan College

Bachelor of Design (Hons) https://www.ysdn2021.com/
Flagler College

BA & BFA in Graphic Designhttps://flaglerseniorshows.com/
The School of the Art Institute of Chicago

BFA Visual Communication Designhttp://showdonttell.design
James Madison University

Undergraduate BFA in Graphic Designhttps://issuu.com/dmccusker/docs/voracious_jmu_s21_gd_catalog
York College of PA

BFA in Graphic Designhttps://yorkcollegegalleries.com/2021-spring-senior-show/
Kent State University

BFA Visual Communication Design http://update2021.show/
Temple University, Tyler School of Art + Architecture

Lesley Art + Design

BFA Interactive Design, BFA Graphic Designhttps://www.lesleydesign.com/
Boston University

MFA Graphic Designhttps://theprinterisbroken.com/
Kennesaw State University

Point Loma Nazarene University

Graphic Design, BAplnuseniorshow.com
University of Cincinnati Blue Ash College

Applied Graphic Communicationhttps://www.instagram.com/ucba_art_design/
Southern Connecticut State University

BS in Art – Graphic Designhttp://sdctexhibit.com
Austin Peay State University

BFA Graphic Designhttps://austinpeay-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/bushr_apsu_edu/ElkKM6jP_yJImjQd0oM06sYBWAMtXh85LzzhYrI2W7BbOA?e=LLcgFZ
Austin Peay State University

BFA Graphic Designhttps://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgNlF9BCxmbNiDBtcPRB5oXOT2Rc6i0C2
University of San Francisco 

BA in Design https://usfca.design/2021
Middle Tennessee State University

BFA Graphic Designhttps://www.instagram.com/mtsuseniorshow/
Cabrini University

B.A. Graphic Designcabrinidesign.com
Flagler College

BA and BFA in graphic designhttps://flaglerseniorshows.com/
California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Drexel University

Graphic Designhttps://westphal.design/GD/SeniorShow21/
By aigaeducators
Published May 11, 2021
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